Why is it that more men don't get this? I dedicate serious attention to my penis, and have mastered it. I can masturbate and feel so great. Sure, it is nice to share it with a buddy too, and there really is nothing like having a jack buddy share in cock bliss. I'm just happy that at 35 I feel so in touch with my male phallus and that I have years to enjoy it. I do feel sad for other men who don't get it. Men who masturbate to cum. Men who don't masturbate at all. Men who have to masturbate behind closed doors with their wife or partner in bed. My new found masturbator freedom is wonderful. I feel like the person I truly am - cock in hand, greasy palms.
I share your contentment with the wonderful feeling of self-bliss that comes with getting a good edge on for hours on end. The contentment that is something other than being in a state of gooned lust is a fabulous of centering around our erotic core. 'bate on bro!