I met him on Manhunt and now feel pretty comfortable around him. He's only about a mile away, so I ride my bike to his house, park in his back yard and enter through the back door. He has windows to his basement and I can already see him masturbating down there when I arrive. First time we met it was a bit awkward, as first times always are, but we warmed up to our obsession with cock play. We had porn going and what not, now we don't even use it. We just get down and dirty on our dicks, some music in the background.
He has plenty of Albolene at the ready and some poppers when we want it. Set up around the room are three mirrors so we can hang out in front of them, jack ourselves and eachother. Overall, it is pretty fucking hot. He's pretty busy, and I think has a few other fuck buds (he likes more than just dick, but understands really gooning) so we get together every couple weeks. I think he's also about gunshy because I have a partner, which he knows about, but says it's cool, which is a lot more than many of the other guys on hook-up sites like Manhunt. What do they expect? - A long term boyfriend from meeting online on a website called "Manhunt"? I don't get it.
Tonight I will take my camera and start taking pictures of him as I enter, never showing his face. I think he'll be cool with it. I'll post it here if it all goes well.
Needless to say I've had a hard time not jacking today. Usually in the AM before work I'm jacking, and first thing I do when I get home is jack for a little while. Instead of jacking before work I had an extra hour, so guess what I did - you'll never guess - vacuumed the house. Ya....pretty exciting. Is this what other people do who don't spend a lot of time with their cock in their hand. Na - I doubt it. Most likely they sleep in and watch TV at night. I think I'll take my sessions of masturbation over that any time.
And now, something to goon at.
Absolutely beautiful hard rod...GodCock at its finest! Great harness and beautiful smooth body...gonna stroke the day away with this image in front of me...thanks!